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TEM Grids

Thin Holey Film Sample Supports

Premier sample supports with holey thin film coatings perfectly suited for Cryo-EM. With no plastics or residues, our transmission electron microscopy grids are ready to use with no additional cleaning or handling steps. We offer a variety of hole patterns, mesh sizes, mesh materials, film materials, and thick or thin film options, so there is always a product optimized for your needs.

Holey Film TEM Grids are defined by 6 parameters:

• Hole diameter: range of sizes from 1.2 µm to 8 µm
• Hole spacing: range of sizes from 1 µm and 4 µm
• Film material: Carbon, Gold Alloy
• Grid material: Copper, Gold
• Grid mesh size: 200, 300, 400
• Film thickness: 20 nm and 40 nm

C-Flat TEM Grid

The ultra-flat holey carbon grid perfectly suited for cryo-EM.  With 54 varieties, there is always a C-flat™ product optimized for your needs.

Au-Flat TEM Grid

Improve your image quality and resolution with the gold alloy film of Au-Flat, which reduces particle movement during imaging.

CD-Flat TEM Grid

The premier holey carbon sample support for automated S/TEM imaging and metrology.



A unique gold foil sample support with superior
stability for Cryo-EM

• Better Datasets
• Durable
• Biocompatible
• Prevent Mistakes
• Fast Delivery