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Cipher System- New Product Launching !!

(주)로티스코리아 2023-01-18 조회수 1,267


 The first and only system that quantitatively reveals the distribution of lithium in scanning electron microscopes


Cipher™ – The first and only system that quantitatively reveals the distribution of lithium in scanning electron microscopes and dual beam instruments. Using the groundbreaking lithium by composition by difference method (Li-CDM), Cipher determines the lithium content in metallic alloys, compounds, and complex metal oxides down to single-digit weight percentages accelerating the development of renewable energy materials and aerospace alloys.

  • Reveals the previously unobservable distribution of lithium at the microscale in a wide variety of material
  • Determines the charge state of oxide particles used as cathodes in lithium-ion batteries, such as lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC) and lithium iron phosphate (LFP)
  • Delivers quantitative analysis of lithium with a greater than tenfold improvement in the minimum detection lim